Working out the Conundrums

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Archive for September, 2010

Don’t stop believing, hold on to that feeling

Posted by fabledlamb on September 6, 2010

So. I have heard comments from some people who have no idea what the fuss is about Glee. “Why the heck is it so popular?” “The main girl character is annoying.” “I don’t find it funny also.”

So here I am in defense of it! :DD

But seriously. Glee is not just some overly commercialized piece of fluff. Although I admit, I am quite disappointed with Part 2 of Season 1, as it relies so much on gimmicks, artiste-themed episodes, and they squeeze too many songs into each episode! 😦 Oi! Glee producers, PLEASE return back to the spirit of the first 13 episodes, and don’t be so overly concerned about squeezing Glee for all it’s worth, as in trying to earn as much money as possible from it! They need to learn not to try to please the viewers so much. It’s toxic. They should focus on quality. And in this case, “less is more”. The first part of the season have a simplicity to them, which is what makes them work.

As for what makes the show popular, these are the reasons:

1. Anyone can relate to being outcasted, judged and/or bullied in high school.

I don’t know about other people’s high school experience, but for me it was probably the worst years of my life. All the gossipping, bitchiness and the general snottiness of a lot of the students…. and I couldn’t relate to many of them. The Caste system in high school, which Sue Sylvester, the cheerleading coach in Glee, is very true. You are put into categories just from your outward impression towards others. Being outcasted at an age where you are not mature enough to think that not being accepted is not the worst thing in the world can be tough. Glee features a group of outcasted kids, who are looked down upon by other students just because they are in Glee club. And not being accepted by your peers is something anyone can relate to at one point or another, but Glee demonstrates to you that you don’t have to care what other people think of you, and the healing power of having friends who stand by you.

2. The colorful characters

It’s rare on TV that you get such a varied, lively group of characters. Most of the Glee characters are also likeable in one way or another. Rachel Berry, for example, was initially introduced as a narcissistic, obnoxious and bossy character in the first couple of episodes, but as the series went on, we saw glimpses of how she is a very sensitive and emotional person deep down, who genuinely cares about others. She is able to really understand how people feel because she has been bullied and hated by so many others herself. Finn Hudson’s dim-wittedness is quite endearing (haha!), while Kurt Hummel is rather fun to watch, with his facial expressions and dramaticness. But I think Sue Sylvester is overrated, as characters of that nature always are.

3. Satire

The show makes fun of a whole lot of things, such as the stereotypes in high school (jock, cheerleader, etc.), the desperate things people do, the lame excuses we give, and so on. I always find satire of any kind sort of comforting, because it acknowledges the things that are wrong in this world, and that I often worry about, but they do it in a humorous way.

4. Talent

The Glee cast has more singing talent than so many other artistes nowadays. Ryan Murphy’s idea of casting Broadcast alumnis is brilliant. And I like that the majority of the cast were relative unknowns prior to the show, as it is always exciting to discover new talent.   

5. Great music

Yeah, so none of the songs featured are original. I think it’s because they feel that songs that are already well-known would be more easily recognisable and relatable (is that the appropriate word?) to. And for the songs that are less well-known, well, isn’t it a good thing to introduce youths of today to them? I personally love listening to the covers because they somehow make me happy. And Lea Michele’s voice makes a lot of covers better than the original. Ouch! No offense to those original singers though! *hides*

I can actually go on. But in short, there is so much there is to Glee. I’m looking forward to the second season. I miss watching it.


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